The Router
The Router
SRE and NYC with Tony Lykke
Today we’re chatting to Tony Lykke, @tl on Discord, 2015 UQ grad and current infrastructure engineer at Hudson River Trading in New York City. Join us as we explore both the world of infrastructure engineering and SRE in automated trading…and the world of the Big Apple, New York City.
Tony works as a software engineer at Hudson River Trading in NYC, working on a variety of infrastructure projects with a focus on improving developer experience. In his spare time he enjoys exploring the city, playing video games, and weightlifting.
For some Hudson River Trading swag: http://hudsonrivertrading.com/swag, access code hrtspring2021 (note: this code will expire soon!)
Careers at HRT: https://www.hudsonrivertrading.com/careers/
Email Tony: hi@tonylykke.com